
A Real-World Joomla! Template

Dress Code
Dress Code


WNY HSMA students are representatives and should reflect what WNY HSMA stands for: excellence in music, Christ-like conduct, and a desire to serve the Lord and others.  Any participant should dress accordingly with these things in mind.  Shorts and skirts must cover the knees when seated; no pajama pants, please. Tops and bottoms must meet in the middle - no exposed midriffs. No form fitting attire may be worn.  Please consider all that all participants are your brother(s) and sister(s) in Christ and dress in a way that communicates the kind of love that avoids causing another to stumble.



Women are to wear a black blouse with a black skirt (mid-calf to ankle length) or a black dress, and black shoes; men are to wear a white dress shirt, black tie, black dress pants with a black belt, black socks and black shoes. 


Performers are to arrive at the performance venue in concert dress and wear it until they leave.  No jeans, sweatshirts, etc.